
Fello Travel

35th in the UK
Gross UK sales 2022 £24.3 million

444b Landmark Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6HN 


Key staff 

Danny Shahaf, founder & executive director
Werner Wessels, managing director
Jean Wiese, head of finance
James Newns, head of client & supplier relations
Michelle Miller, head of operations

Main industry sectors

Financial and professional services, information technology, media and entertainment, oil and gas, retail

Services in addition to business travel

Consultancy, group travel, incentives, leisure travel, passport and visa services, traveller wellbeing services, VIP travel

Type of company

Privately owned

Awards and accreditations

IASME, Cyber Essentials, PCI DSS, ISO9001, ISO14001

Online transactions



Air 64.5% | Hotel 16.1% | Rail 10.0% | Car 0.6% | MICE 5.7% | Other 3.1%


Short-haul 42% | Long-haul 58%

Top destinations

Short-haul: Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, Geneva, Ibiza
Long-haul: New York, Los Angeles, Dubai, Miami, Singapore

Office locations


Association and network membership

Advantage Global Network, Advantage Travel Partnership, Focus Travel Partnership, The BTA

Full-time equivalent staff


Average length of service

7 years

Average industry experience

17.5 years

ESG/CSR/DEI policies

  • Conducting itself responsibly and in an ethical manner
  • Creating a positive and supportive working environment
  • Supporting local communities
  • Improving service levels to clients
  • Acting fairly in dealings with suppliers and other third parties
  • Minimising the impact on the environment
  • All employees and potential employees are treated fairly and with respect at all stages of their employment
  • All employees have the right to be free from harassment and bullying of any description, or any other form of unwanted behaviour, whether based on sex, transgender status, marital status, civil partnership status, pregnancy, race, disability, age, political or religious belief or sexuality
  • All employees have an equal chance to contribute and to achieve their potential, irrespective of any defining feature that may give rise to unfair discrimination



Online booking tools

Amadeus cytric

Other technology (I=in-house, T=third-party)

Air reshopping I, T 
Business intelligence I, T 
Data visualisation I, T 
Hotel reshopping I, T 
Meetings management I 
Mobile booking app T 
Mobile itinerary app T 
Peer benchmarking
Personalised trip recommendation I 
Pre-trip approval I, T 
Profile management T (Fello Faces - Umbrella Faces)
Quality assurance I, T 
Sustainability reporting I, T 
Traveller tracking I, T (Mobile Messenger)
Travel risk management T 
Unused ticket management

Other technology 

Real-time MI portal (Travelogix), hotel billback (Conferma) 

Technology strategy 

Use third party technology 

NDC content 

NDC Level 3. Content via online booking tool and AirGateway 

Biggest innovation of 2022 

A visual user interface sitting above the databases used by the company to present MI in a simple to use and customisable form